Ed Trumbull is a Vice President at ICF and specializes in innovative employer-driven, community-based, and outcomes-focused workforce solutions. Clients include private, public, and non-profit sectors. Ed has over 25-years of professional experience providing strategic planning services, creating and implementing successful workforce development solutions, conducting insightful research and analysis, fostering innovative job creation strategies, and preparing technical reports. He is leading the ICF team that developed and is piloting the Port Covington Workforce Strategy for Sagamore Development Company. Prior to joining ICF, Ed was the workforce and education advisor to Maryland Governor William Donald Schaefer, staff to the Governor's Workforce Investment Board, president and CEO of the Montgomery County Workforce Development Corporation and architect of its award winning One-Stop Career Center system, management consultant to the leadership of the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration, and executive of several national workforce organizations. He received his Master in Public Management (MPM) from the University of Maryland College Park, and his Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Political Science from Claremont McKenna College.
Vice President
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